Tips For The Preparation Of Portfolio Entrance!

Almost every well-known school demand for best skills and showcasing of your portfolio; especially at the time of an admission or during the mock interview. Thus, students who are undergoing Portfolio Entrance Preparation Exam NID should initiate studies in enhancements of their portfolio.

What is a portfolio?

A portfolio is defined as the systematic collection of your most recent art masterpieces, which can be designs, drawings, or sometimes certain projects etc. For many of the colleges that are well known for their academic performances like NID, IIT, etc, the exhibition of portfolio is important to identify the creative quotient of the candidate, and also to understand whether the student has natural inclination towards particular subject or he is being forced to do so!
Some of the best tips to prepare the portfolio can be referred as follows:

The portfolio should include best of you

It is very crucial for all of us to understand that the essence of building a good portfolio is only to showcase the skills that you have inherent in you. Thus, the proposed portfolio should include all the artwork that it already has in it; such as your interests, ideas, skills, and future orientations, etc. Apart from the proposed work, the portfolio should as well include all your work that is exclusively different from your competitor’s work; giving you direct entry based upon your skills.

Limit your work

It should also be noted that the portfolio work is not about the volume of the work, but all about the quality of the work. Thus, it is always advisable to include work that is exclusive, attractive and unquestionably number 1. Restrict your portfolio to the maximum of 10-12 pages, with every page briefing about a single project. This would further clarify the necessary skills that you have inherent in yourself.
It is always better to cross check the work that has been presented in the portfolio to obtain the best opportunity. It is always necessary that the portfolio is full of images that are in line with our interest, and the subject knowledge of interest.

Work on presentation

You should always adequately label your portfolio, with proper introduction, regarding what to expect, and about your interest. The projects should always be labelled in a way that should convey your thought process to the examiner. The designs should be prepared in a way that would communicate their applications to anyone who is pretty naΓ―ve in the field.

Printed vs Web-based portfolio

The current era is the technological era, so many of you may think that web-based portfolio is always the better choice to present. However, it is always advisable to go with printed option as it can add on the effect. This way you will able to show case all your skills in one go, like sketching, designing, etc.
